Business Support
Every business in Seaside Heights is automatically a member of the BID by virtue of the way in which the organization was created. That makes the support of the SSHBID available to every business in town. We assist businesses with Planning Board and permitting issues, addressing issues that adversely affect businesses, and access to advice and assistance from other agencies. We represent Seaside Heights in issues at the county and state level as well. Our Executive Director is the Chairman of both the Ocean County Business and Tourism Advisory Council and the Monmouth Ocean County Development Council Cultural and Tourism Committee. He also is on the Board of Directors, and is a past president of, Downtown New Jersey, the organization of special improvement districts.
Open a Business Here
Seaside Heights is evolving as the year-round oceanfront for the hundreds of thousands of people who live year-round just across the bay bridges in Toms River, Brick, Manchester, and other nearby communities. Klees Bar and Grill, Dockside Outfitters, CVS, and the Seaside Heights Army Navy Store are examples of businesses that have grown beyond being seasonal and operate all week/all year. While we certainly welcome seasonal businesses, we particularly encourage new year-round, all-week businesses.
Your Business in Seaside Heights
The Seaside Heights Business Improvement District is an outrageously fun, diverse and walkable community of entertainment and business professionals offering a unique experience that combines an oceanfront family-friendly resort amusement park, dining and evening entertainment centered in a thriving recreational region. We are committed to serving our customers. There are business locations available throughout town to match the needs of your business.